Use the Bio-Plex Pro total MEK1 singleplex set for detecting phosphorylated MEK1 from cell lysates derived from cell culture or tissue samples.
This assay measures the total abundance of a target protein, regardless of its phosphorylation state and can be used to report the total concentration of a protein. In cases where phosphoprotein and total protein assays are offered, they must be run in different wells due to shared capture antibodies.
The Bio-Plex Pro cell signaling reagent kit (171-304006M) is required for performing all phosphoprotein, total target, or housekeeping protein assays.
We also recommend using the appropriate cell lysates in all experiments.
Browse our latest list of available phosphoprotein, total target, and housekeeping protein assays.
Premixed all-in-one kits or custom Bio-Plex® x-Plex™ assays.
Compatible with these readers and wash stations:
To learn more about performance characteristics or how to set up your cell signaling assays for optimal performance and sensitivity, refer to the documents listed below: