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Qiagen 凯杰 Biosharp Omega



Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library 100μL/well(10mM solution)




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& Advantages

•   A unique collection of 261 small molecules with biological activity used for Immunology/Inflammation research.

•   The library contains compounds targeting Immunology/Inflammation-related enzyme such as CCR, COX, Interleukin Related, IRAK, MyD88, PDE, PD-1/PD-L1, TLR, and more.

•   A useful tool for researching the mechanism behind Immunology/Inflammation, drug screening and other pharmaceutical and biological applications.

•   Bioactivity and safety confirmed by preclinical research and clinical trials. Some compounds have been approved by FDA.

•   Structurally diverse, medicinally active, and cell permeable.

•   Rich documentation with structure, IC50, and brief introduction.

•   NMR and HPLC validated to ensure high purity and quality.

•   All compounds are in stock and continuously updated.

Product Details
A collection of 261 Immunology/Inflammation related compounds supplied as pre-dissolved DMSO solutions or Solid
96 Well Format Sample Storage Tube With Screw Cap and Optional 2D Barcode
Blue ice

Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library

Source: MedChem Express

Contents of Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library

Plate layout: HY-L007-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Toll-like receptor modulator MK591 (free acid) Plerixafor Asaraldehyde CCCP ZK756326 (dihydrochloride) Agmatine (sulfate) Nicotinamide N-oxide VUF10460 IT1t (dihydrochloride) Empty
b Empty GIBH-130 Navarixin 6-Biopterin SB297006 Gardiquimod trifluoroacetate L-Kynurenine HPGDS inhibitor 1 Flurbiprofen Tetrahydrobiopterin Teijin compound 1 Empty
c Empty CU CPT 22 Tapinarof DMXAA TAK-242 Tinoridine hydrochloride 1,4-Chrysenequinone CU-CPT-8m CU-CPT-9b Chlorcyclizine (hydrochloride) N-Acetylhistamine Empty
d Empty CAY 10465 PDM2 CU-CPT-9a TFAP BX471 L-NIL JNJ-5207852 ABT-239 Pitolisant (hydrochloride) MCC950 Empty
e Empty MCC950 (sodium) SRT3190 PF-4136309 IRAK inhibitor 1 IRAK inhibitor 2 IRAK inhibitor 3 IRAK inhibitor 6 MF63 IRAK-1-4 Inhibitor I TAK-779 Empty
f Empty Nedocromil JNJ-7777120 MSX-122 Resiquimod Motolimod SKI II NS-398 MK-886 Lodoxamide Indomethacin Empty
g Empty FK 3311 Bilastine AM679 Latrepirdine (dihydrochloride) Paradol Aspirin Firocoxib Vidofludimus StemRegenin 1 ATB-346 Empty
h Empty Naproxen Naproxen (sodium) Diclofenac Diclofenac (Sodium) Reparixin Reparixin (L-lysine salt) Ciproxifan (maleate) Eltrombopag Eltrombopag (Olamine) Etoricoxib Empty

Plate layout: HY-L007-2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty RS 504393 INCB 3284 YS-49 WZ811 Pifithrin-α (hydrobromide) VGX-1027 Ebrotidine GS-9620 SC144 Leukadherin-1 Empty
b Empty Valdecoxib K145 (hydrochloride) GSK2190915 GSK2190915 (sodium salt) Y-320 AZD1981 AMD 3465 (hexahydrobromide) APY0201 UNBS5162 Tyrphostin A1 Empty
c Empty SB225002 Fevipiprant Suplatast (Tosilate) Iguratimod Alcaftadine Cetirizine (dihydrochloride) Loratadine Nepafenac Rofecoxib Tripelennamine (hydrochloride) Empty
d Empty Parecoxib Parecoxib (Sodium) Amfenac Sodium Hydrate Ampiroxicam Deracoxib Chloroquine (diphosphate) Avacopan Diflunisal RS102895 (hydrochloride) Nodinitib-1 Empty
e Empty L-NAME (hydrochloride) 1400W (Dihydrochloride) L-NMMA acetate ITE BEC (hydrochloride) BMS-202 PF06650833 YM-90709 BMS-1 Clemizole (hydrochloride) Empty
f Empty Benzydamine (hydrochloride) CCR2-RA-[R] AMD-070 hydrochloride MK591 Plerixafor (octahydrochloride) SC-560 Etodolac Ibuprofen (R)-(-)-Ibuprofen Bepotastine (Beslilate) Empty
g Empty Fenspiride (Hydrochloride) Doxylamine (succinate) Decloxizine (dihydrochloride) Perphenazine Histamine (phosphate) Propyphenazone Sulindac Ketorolac (tromethamine salt) Ketotifen (fumarate) Lafutidine Empty
h Empty Salicylic acid Sodium Salicylate Azatadine (dimaleate) Imiquimod Mianserin (hydrochloride) Ketoprofen Phenylbutazone Piroxicam Meloxicam Suprofen Empty

Plate layout: HY-L007-3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Ranitidine (hydrochloride) Chlorpheniramine (maleate) Fenoprofen (Calcium hydrate) Clemastine (fumarate) Diphenhydramine (hydrochloride) Roxatidine (Acetate Hydrochloride) Nizatidine Sulfamethizole Tolfenamic Acid Pranoprofen Empty
b Empty Meclizine (dihydrochloride) Nimesulide Lornoxicam Famotidine Flunixin (meglumine) Olopatadine (hydrochloride) Tenoxicam Azelastine (hydrochloride) Phenacetin Brompheniramine (maleate) Empty
c Empty Acemetacin Bufexamac Methylthiouracil Betahistine (dihydrochloride) Triflusal Pemirolast (potassium) Desloratadine Hydroxyzine (dihydrochloride) Nabumetone Mefenamic acid Empty
d Empty Loxoprofen Zaltoprofen Aceclofenac Epinastine Balsalazide Ebastine Fenofibric acid Fexofenadine (hydrochloride) Oxaprozin Zomepirac (sodium salt) Empty
e Empty Diphenylpyraline (hydrochloride) Pheniramine (Maleate) Adelmidrol Dexchlorpheniramine (maleate) Antazoline (hydrochloride) Cinnarizine Cyproheptadine (hydrochloride sesquihydrate) Histamine Dimenhydrinate Flufenamic acid Empty
f Empty Carprofen Mepyramine maleate Mebhydrolin (napadisylate) Mebhydrolin Hydroxychloroquine sulfate Sulfamethoxypyridazine 4-Aminoantipyrine Tolmetin (sodium dihydrate) Acrivastine L-Canavanine sulfate Empty
g Empty Carbinoxamine maleate salt Chlorphenoxamine Levodropropizine S-(+)-Ketoprofen Bendazol Mequitazine (-)-Epicatechin (-)-Epicatechin gallate Baohuoside I Ginsenoside Rb1 Empty
h Empty Ginsenoside Rc Ginsenoside Rd Osthole Eucalyptol Troxerutin Rutaecarpine Salicin Indole-3-carbinol Diosmin Atractylenolide I Empty

Plate layout: HY-L007-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Diacerein Sinensetin (+)-Catechin hydrate (-)-Catechin gallate Columbin L-Arginine L-Arginine (hydrochloride) Gallic acid Ginsenoside Rg3 Ginsenoside Rh1 Empty
b Empty Mulberroside A Prim-O-glucosylcimifugin Neochlorogenic acid seco-Isolariciresinol Diglucoside Leonurine Leonurine (hydrochloride) Catechin Ginsenoside C-K Xanthohumol Cardamonin Empty
c Empty DL-Norvaline Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty


