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Qiagen 凯杰 Biosharp Omega



Clinical Compound Library 30μL/well(10mM solution)




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& Advantages

•   A unique collection of 733 clinical compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).

•   Research areas include anticancer, anti-infection, anti inflammation, nervous disease, and more.

•   A useful tool for drug repurposing, the application of an existing therapeutic to a new disease indication.

•   Currently in clinical stage, some are withdrawn or terminated.

•   Structurally diverse, medicinally active, and cell permeable.

•   Detailed compound information with structure, IC50, and brief introduction.

•   Validated NMR and HPLC to ensure high purity and quality.

•   All compounds are in stock and continuously updated.

Product Details
A collection of 733 clinical compounds supplied as pre-dissolved DMSO solutions or Solid
96 Well Format Sample Storage Tube With Screw Cap and Optional 2D Barcode
Blue ice

Clinical Compound Library

Source: MedChem Express

Contents of Clinical Compound Library

Plate layout: HY-L026-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Mivebresib AZD0156 BAY-1436032 CPI-1205 Flavopiridol Flavopiridol (Hydrochloride) SNS-032 Semagacestat AZD-5438 Taranabant Empty
b Empty Odanacatib Cadazolid AEE788 Visomitin GSK2256098 MSDC 0160 Tempol Ribitol AZD5153 (6-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid) IPI549 Empty
c Empty PF-06651600 Triapine BGP-15 TAK-659 (hydrochloride) Zibotentan CEP-40783 Allopregnanolone TG100-115 AZD1152 Iberdomide Empty
d Empty BMS-986205 GSK3326595 BAY-1895344 (hydrochloride) M3814 Tozasertib GLPG1690 Danusertib MLN8054 AVex-73 hydrochloride Linsitinib Empty
e Empty AZD-1480 YM-155 BTK IN-1 Navarixin AZD4635 BMS-754807 Tandutinib OSI-930 Cediranib Amuvatinib Empty
f Empty Dovitinib (lactate) Masitinib Masitinib (mesylate) Tanespimycin BIIB021 NVP-AUY922 CUDC-101 Motesanib Motesanib (Diphosphate) PX-478 Empty
g Empty Saracatinib Danoprevir R-7128 RAF265 GSK-690693 PD0325901 Betrixaban (R)-Flurbiprofen GSK2126458 GSK-923295 Empty
h Empty MK-3207 (Hydrochloride) LY3200882 TPX-0005 E7046 Doramapimod BIBX 1382 VX-745 Brivanib (alaninate) Brivanib Foretinib Empty

Plate layout: HY-L026-2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty KW-2449 KX2-391 (dihydrochloride) KX2-391 (Mesylate) Enzastaurin Sotrastaurin AZD 6482 MK 2206 (dihydrochloride) Canertinib (dihydrochloride) PF-06409577 Trimetrexate Empty
b Empty SU5416 Sutezolid CTS-1027 VX-702 Losmapimod L-Kynurenine PH-797804 Pamiparib Lanifibranor SCIO-469 Empty
c Empty TG-101348 AZD-8055 PHA-848125 TAK-715 GSK256066 LY2811376 TAK-875 JDTic (dihydrochloride) Dinaciclib Lexibulin Empty
d Empty Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside Tipifarnib Orteronel Darapladib Telatinib Tasquinimod Betulinic acid Tegobuvir Tariquidar Tariquidar (methanesulfonate, hydrate) Empty
e Empty Ponesimod Alagebrium chloride LXR-623 SB-705498 Pridopidine Ningetinib Tosylate Ningetinib Uridine triphosphate Asimadoline Cilomilast Empty
f Empty Almorexant Almorexant (hydrochloride) Bitopertin GW 501516 Talazoparib tosylate PA-824 URB-597 NGP555 Preladenant Apararenone Empty
g Empty Lazertinib RG7112 CYT387 CYT387 (sulfate salt) DMXAA Obatoclax Alisertib MK-0752 Tivozanib AN-2728 Empty
h Empty Amonafide ENMD-2076 (Tartrate) ENMD-2076 PCI-24781 AZD-7762 MK-1775 Tozadenant PHA-793887 MK-0773 RO4929097 Empty

Plate layout: HY-L026-3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Sitaxsentan (sodium) TAK-242 PF-05180999 PLX51107 GDC-0575 SNS-314 BMS-599626 (Hydrochloride) BSI-201 PF-04217903 PF-04217903 (methanesulfonate) Empty
b Empty Vatalanib (dihydrochloride) SGX-523 INO-1001 Alvespimycin (hydrochloride) Serdemetan 2-Methoxyestradiol AMG-208 GSK1059615 Rigosertib (sodium) Elesclomol Empty
c Empty AS703026 AZD8330 3-Isopropyl-5-(4-(((6-(4-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl)pyridin-3-yl)oxy)methyl)piperidin-1-yl)-1,2,4-oxadiazole SB-743921 BMS 777607 Anacetrapib Oprozomib Volasertib Entinostat Mocetinostat Empty
d Empty TAK-901 PFK-158 MGL-3196 CB-839 TGR-1202 Rostafuroxin MLN1117 Ozanimod Defactinib Defactinib (hydrochloride) Empty
e Empty GKT137831 CFI-400945 (free base) CFI-400945 (fumarate) AZD8186 Pimodivir Siponimod ETC-1002 2-Cl-IB-MECA Atipamezole (hydrochloride) Atipamezole Empty
f Empty Angiotensin (1-7) E7449 Decernotinib TAK-063 LY-2584702 (tosylate salt) LY3023414 Oltipraz Gonadorelin (acetate) LY3009120 Acalisib Empty
g Empty RVT-501 AZD3965 BLZ945 BAY1217389 CB-5083 LOXO-101 (sulfate) PQR309 AZD-8835 AZD9496 AZD9496 (maleate) Empty
h Empty Eliprodil PBTZ169 PF-05175157 AMG319 TP-0903 Batefenterol RSV604 Quizartinib MK-0354 PF-04620110 Empty

Plate layout: HY-L026-4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
a Empty Laquinimod CC-401 (hydrochloride) DCC-2036 LY2784544 ADL-5859 Cediranib (maleate) Sapitinib E-7050 Nestoron Biperiden (Hydrochloride) Empty
b Empty VX-765 Vanoxerine (dihydrochloride) LY2157299 Talabostat (mesylate) LY2886721 LY2228820 LY2940680 NXY-059 GDC-0980 MK-5108 Empty
c Empty ABT-751 Dacomitinib SGI-1776 Nepicastat (hydrochloride) LY2874455 NVP-BGJ398 NVP-BGJ398 (phosphate) Pracinostat CX-5416 hydrochloride Bardoxolone (methyl) Empty
d Empty ASP3026 Evacetrapib INK-128 AZD4547 Cortexolone 17 alpha-propionate Imisopasem manganese Varespladib INCB28060 Xanomeline (oxalate) AICAR -->


