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Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads Immunoprecipitation (IP) Kit 1mL




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Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads-IP Kit Product Components

Components Storage
Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads1,3 2-8℃ for 12 months
NP40 Cell Lysis Buffer2 -20℃ for 12 months
CD166 Positive Cell Lysate -20℃ for 12 months
Alkaline Elution Buffer 2-8℃ for 12 months
Acidity Elution Buffer 2-8℃ for 12 months
Neutralization Buffer 2-8℃ for 12 months

[1] The IP KIT contains anti-SPARC magnetic Beads (2 mg/mL) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) with sodium azide (0.1%).

[2] Using NP-40 cell lysate buffer in the kit is required,otherwise,the magnetic beads may be precipitated.

[3] Shipping: Magnetic Beads kits are shipped at ambient temperature in which magnetic beads are provided in liquid buffer.

Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads-IP Kit Product Description

The Anti-SPARC magnetic Beads, conjugated with Anti-SPARC antibody, are used for immuneprecipitation (IP) of SPARC proteins which expressed in vitro expression systems. For IP, the beads are added to a sample containing SPARC proteins to form a bead-protein complex. The complex is removed from the solution manually using a magnetic separator. The bound SPARC proteins are dissociated from the magnetic beads using an elution buffer.

Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads-IP Kit Antibody Information

Anti-SPARC Antibody( 50494-R001)
Recombinant Mouse Osteonectin / SPARC protein (Catalog#50494-M08H)
Species Reactivity
Mouse Osteonectin / SPARC
Monoclonal Mouse Rabbit IgG
This antibody was obtained from a rabbit immunized with purified, recombinant Mouse Osteonectin / SPARC (rM Osteonectin / SPARC; Catalog#50494-M08H; NP_033268.1; Met1-Ile302).
Immunoprecipitation (IP), Minimum Protein Purification

Anti-SPARC Magnetic Beads Immunoprecipitation (IP) Kit Alternative Names

Anti-AA517111ALCAM Magnetic Beads-Immunoprecipitatiopn (IP) Kit;Anti-BM-40ALCAM Magnetic Beads-Immunoprecipitatiopn (IP) Kit;Anti-ONALCAM Magnetic Beads-Immunoprecipitatiopn (IP) Kit;Anti-RP23-465I4.1ALCAM Magnetic Beads-Immunoprecipitatiopn (IP) Kit

SPARC Background Information

Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), also known as Osteonectin (ON), is a member of the SPARC family. SPARC consists of three domains: a EF-hand domain, a follistatin-like domain and a Kazal-like domain, and each of which has independent activity and unique properties. The activity of SPARC is context- and cell-type-dependent, which is highlighted by the fact that SPARC has shown seemingly contradictory effects on tumor progression in both clinical correlative studies and in animal models. The location of SPARC in the nuclear matrix of certain proliferating cells, but only in the cytosol of postmitotic neurons, indicates potential functions of SPARC as a nuclear protein, which might be involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression and mitosis. It functions not only to modulate cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, but its de-adhesive and growth inhibitory properties in non-transformed cells have led to studies to assess its role in cancer. Its divergent actions reflect the complexity of this protein, because in certain types of cancers, such as melanomas and gliomas, SPARC is associated with a highly aggressive tumor phenotype, while in others, mainly ovarian, neuroblastomas and colorectal cancers, SPARC may function as a tumor suppressor. Recent studies have also demonstrated a role for SPARC in sensitizing therapy-resistant cancers. Notably, SPARC is linked to human obesity.
Full Name
secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich (osteonectin)
  • Yan Q, et al. (1999) SPARC, a matricellular glycoprotein with important biological functions. J Histochem Cytochem. 47(12): 1495-506.
  • Brekken RA, et al. (2000) SPARC, a matricellular protein: at the crossroads of cell-matrix. Matrix Biol. 19(7): 569-80.
  • Tai IT, et al. (2008) SPARC in cancer biology: its role in cancer progression and potential for therapy. Drug Resist Updat. 11(6): 231-46.
  • Podhajcer OL, et al. (2008) The role of the matricellular protein SPARC in the dynamic interaction between the tumor and the host. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 27(3): 523-37.
  • Kos K, et al. (2010) SPARC: a key player in the pathologies associated with obesity and diabetes. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 6(4): 225-35.
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