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TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix 1 x 5 mL




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TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been designed to match or exceed the performance of standard master mixes, delivering shorter run times (<40 minutes) with results equal to or better than what is achieved today. TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix contains AmpliTaq® Fast DNA Polymerase, uracil-N glycosylase (UNG), dNTPs with dUTP, ROX™ dye (passive reference), and optimized buffer components. It is supplied at a 2X concentration.

Features of the TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix include:

• Best-in-class performance—superior sensitivity, accuracy, dynamic range, and specificity compared to standard mixes in standard mode
• Engineered for enhanced benchtop stability—stable at room temperature for up to 72 hours in preassembled reactions
• Optimized for multiplexing—validated for duplexing with exogenous and endogenous internal positive control assays
• Reduced run times on fast and standard instrumentation—optimized for fast mode on fast instruments and fast cycling conditions on standard instruments
• Seamlessly transitions into your experiments—validated with Applied Biosystems® TaqMan® Assays for Gene Expression and microRNAs, and TaqMan® Array Micro Fluidic Cards

Best-in-Class Performance
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been designed to provide performance equal to or better than the results you currently expect from your standard master mix. The master mix has been benchmarked against the leading suppliers' standard and fast master mixes to help ensure that it succeeds in providing best-in-class sensitivity, accuracy, dynamic range, and specificity. The impressive sensitivity of the mix showcased in Figure 1 compares the C t values of TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix and TaqMan® Universal PCR Master Mix across a panel of gene expression assays.

Benchtop Stability for High-Throughput Handling and Convenience
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been engineered to retain a high level of performance in preassembled reactions for up to 72 hours. The stability of this mix provides users of high-throughput, liquid handling systems the assurance that the results on the first plate will mimic those of the last plate. Figure 2 shows an assay that was run upon assembly (time 0) and after 72 hours of incubation at 30°C, simulating the most extreme room temperature scenario.

For those with less extreme throughput needs, the enhanced stability of this master mix provides an overall added convenience to your workflow, as you are no longer constrained to immediately running your plates upon assembly.

Optimized for Multiplexing
We realize that confidence is paramount when it comes to your results. For added confidence in the results you see in every well, TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been designed to help deliver accurate results for duplex reactions using an internal positive control (IPC). Figure 3 shows results for the experimental target β-actin (gene name ACTB), which was serially diluted and amplified in single-target reactions and duplex reactions.

Validated for MicroRNA Assays
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been validated for use with multiple real-time PCR applications, including microRNA assays. The formulation provides high specificity and dynamic range, the two most critical performance attributes that define successful results when working with microRNAs. The data in Figure 4 demonstrate excellent PCR linearity over a 6-log range of input template.

Reduced Run Times on Standard Instrumentation
TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix has been optimized for use with both fast and standard instrumentation, enabling researchers who currently own standard instruments to also reap the performance benefits and time savings this mix provides. Figure 5 showcases the impressive results achieved when using TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix under fast thermal cycling conditions on Applied Biosystems® 7300 Real-Time PCR System. The mix has been tested with all Applied Biosystems standard real-time PCR instrumentation (7900HT, 7500 and 7300 systems) to enable success independent of whether or not you own a fast-enabled instrument.


Detection Method: Primer-Probe Detection
For Use With (Equipment): 7500 Fast System, 7500 System, 7900HT System, QuantStudio™ 12k Flex, QuantStudio™ 3, QuantStudio™ 5, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™, ViiA™ 7 System
Reaction Speed: Fast
PCR Method: qPCR
Sample Type (General): DNA
Number of Reactions: 2500 reactions
Polymerase: AmpliTaq® Fast DNA Polymerase
Primer-Probe Compatibility: TaqMan®
Product Line: TaqMan™
Product Size: 5 x 5 mL
Sample Type (Specific): DNA (Genomic), cDNA


Contains 5 tubes (5 ml each) 2X TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix sufficient for 2500 reactions

TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix contains AmpliTaq® Fast DNA Polymerase, Uracil-N glycosylase (UNG), dNTPs (with dUTP), ROX™ dye (passive reference), and optimized buffer.

Upon receipt, store at -20°C. After opening, store at 4°C.



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